Springhouse, Catanach, Andreas & McCoy Quarries
Southeast PA

Springhouse, Catanach, Andreas & McCoy Quarries
“On behalf of Glasgow, Inc., I would like to say thank you to Independent Explosives for a job well done this year so far. I would like to recognize the employees from IEX who have helped make my job enjoyable along with making our company successful.
“Bob K., Scott W., and JR J. have always been great to work with. They understand the meaning of getting the job done right and on time as they are always ready to go when my loading crew begins to work for the day. Yes, all trucks have issues at times, but these guys do not panic under tough situations. They are knowledgeable about the blend trucks they use and if they are slightly unsure, they know to make that phone call to Scott before something can go bad. They are fully aware of exactly where their trucks can and can not go in the quarry as we have had some rough areas over the year already. Their professionalism, knowledge and experience means a lot to my crew while on the quarry bench.
“Another driver is John D. from Independent Explosives who has gone above and beyond what is asked of him when making our detonator and booster deliveries. We service 4 quarries in PA, with 3 of those locations having explosive magazine storage on site for us. John is always the driver from Independent Explosives who delivers our magazine products. He will make all 3 deliveries in a day at our Springhouse, Catanach & McCoy quarries. When John arrives on site with his truck, we do not have to stand around as he goes through to see what items come off the truck at each location because he has them separated by location and by which location comes off first, second and third. This really means a lot to us, as each location we blast at requires different detonators for those quarries. Like the other drivers, John is always on time and very neat about his work, along with his courteous personality. I wish more workers in our industry could be like him.
“These daily deliveries of bulk and van trucks are made possible with the outstanding and long-time relationship I have with your salesman, Ed C. We have done business together for 20 years and I must say that his blasting background is nice to have on the bench. Ed will check in with me with a visit and/or phone calls to make sure we have our trucks scheduled 2 to 4 days in advance. He understands our quarries and is able to remind me that one of my quarries is due to blast to make sure to get an order in to reserve a truck.
“The Independent Explosives products and employees that I have mentioned are a big part of what makes Glasgow a success. I look forward to doing business with IEX yearly.”